It's sure been a journey getting this site up and running. When I first joined the board in March as the Chair of the Technology and Infrastructure Committee one of the first things I wanted to do was get the website that reflected who we are now as a Temple, and I certainly hope it reflects that.
Over the next few weeks, we will finalize those few remaining "under construction" pages so when you visit everything is there. Obviously, if you notice any hiccups, reach out and let me know.
Our goal is to create a "living" site, so you never know when you will see some small enhancement here or feature there, which will keep us moving forward.
HUGE thanks to our intern, Isa Abrinica for all of her hard work, her creative ideas helped this site look as good as it does. Also a big thank you to MJ, Jenny, Autumn, Samara, and the Board for all their input and guidance on finding old pictures, media pamphlets, and all the other resources I needed to add. And last but not lease, Rabbi Green for her fantastic insights into our values, Holiday information, and of course, being willing to be on our wonderful LGBTQIA+ page.
I certainly hope you enjoy this site as much as I do, and it gets you all the information you need from it.
Brandon Lindsay
Temple Sholom Board, Technology and Infrastructure